Tuesday, April 25, 2006

True Co-Worker Stories: 1 of 3

I worked with a woman who was the most impossible co-worker ever to crawl out of the depths of hell.

As hard as it might seem to believe, what follows is a TRUE STORY:

I had to talk to this co-worker because I discovered she was using an unauthorized material. I simply and politely asked her to use the correct material “Y” instead of the incorrect material “X”. Her response was “Look, if you think you’re so F*CKING smart, why don’t YOU do my F*CKING JOB”

I went to my boss to ask for advice. He simply told me to try again and be gentle with her, as she had been with the company 25 years. The second time I tried she yelled at me, burst into tears, jumped into the bosses office yelling “Why did you hire this A**HOLE, he’s impossible to work with! I QUIT!!” then she got in her car, and skidded out of the parking lot smoking her tires. Mysteriously, she was back to work the next day.

Well, after weeks of work, we finally got her to switch the material. I went to her and said, “Thanks, you did a good job with that material replacement.” Her response was “Are you telling me that everything else I’ve done is crap?” “What do you mean?” “Well, the only thing I’ve ever done that you’ve praised is this, so that means that everything else I’ve ever done his is crap in your opinion! I don’t appreciate you criticizing practically everything I do here!”

It was literally impossible to say anything to her without her flying off the handle, refusing to do the work, and/or complaining to the boss. And, for whatever reason she could not be fired no matter what she did.

From that point I avoided her like she had the bubonic plague. Then a few weeks later my boss called me in to scold me. Apparently she’d complained to him that “People refused to work with her or even talk to her because she was a woman working in a man’s office.” And my boss had decided that somehow this was my fault, and he dictated that I would be the guy who’s job it was to forge friendly relations with her.

Friends, if you ever wonder how terrible Hell could be, I know from first-hand experience!


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