Friday, October 24, 2008

My Obama Yard Sign Was Defaced

I have two Obama yard signs on my front lawn. Yesterday one was covered up with a large white sign that read:


This message approved by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

To add to the class and sophistication of the act of vandalism, the sign was held in place with a long strip of the finest silver duct tape. It came off easily.

I marveled at it. It was professionally printed on in color on a thick plastic-like board. It must have cost at least five dollars to make.

Who would do this? It seems so foolish for so many reasons:
  1. Did the person who did this not realize that I would remove it within hours of it being placed there?
  2. Why did this person go though such an expense when it would have been cheaper and faster to just steal my sign.
  3. What motivates someone to damage or destroy a fellow American's right to free speech? Isn't that a fundamental part of being American? Loving freedom of expression?
  4. Assuming this was a McCain supporter, what does it say about McCain's message, or the people who are attracted to him?
Anyway, I was amazed at how many Obama signs are being stolen or vandalized nation-wide. This is a sad statement about my country.

I can only hope that healing will come soon, and maybe people can open their eyes and hearts a little.


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