2005 In Review

Firstly, I remember being a kid and watching “Space 1999” on TV and thinking – “Wow, 1999, that’s so far into the future!”. Well, here we are, running way late on building a moon base! Come on, NASA, the Mars Rovers are very cool, but wouldn’t “Eagles” be even better?
So, here are some of my thoughts on 2005:
This has been a good year for personal growth for me. Many challenges to my serenity and my new “more enlightened” way of being have come and I’m happy to say they’ve also gone.
Most of my life I was so insecure that all someone had to do was question my nature, motives or decisions and it would send me into a tizzy. This year I’ve held my ground when challenged – regardless of how scary it seemed at the time. Happily my HP (Higher Power) has always rewarded me by helping me know who/what needed to go (I’d get a certain feeling in my gut), the strength to make the decision, and then HP filled the whole in my life with someone/something new and much more wonderful!
I keep much fewer “friends” than I used to, and those people who I spend time with regularly know how special they are to me. Thank you, for your love, understanding, and acceptance! And, above all, thank you for:
- Not trying to change me.
- Not holding me to rigid expectations.
- Being in charge of your own happiness.
- Your loving company and companionship.
- I now exercise vigorously 4 to 6 times a week (up from 2).
- This is my 5th year of being TV free.
- I’ve completely opted out of Giftmas (some might call it Christmas).
- My Fifth Year Anniversary in CoDA.
- This Blog!
This year was also a year of learning that not everyone can deal with someone like me in their organization. I’m not saying that they are wrong or bad, but, I’ve been told “You’re too nice to work here.” Or “Couldn’t you be a bit nastier?” and I knew that I didn’t belong there. I’m happy that in recent months I’ve seen very senior executives who are fellow “honey” vs. “vinegar” managers have great success, so it gives me hope for my future.
I’ve known for a long time that you can’t negotiate without being willing to “walk away”. I’ve been practicing that at work for the first time in my life, and it’s been working out very nicely!
I also have learned that what my brother Nick says… “Do what you love, and the money will come automatically” is really true. I’ve enjoyed my photography, contract work, and personal art very much this year. Somehow, the bills still get paid, and I’m 100% happier! It has been quite transformative.
The only major technology changes in my life have been my Nikon D70 and my iPod Nano. I’m very happy with my new camera, but I can’t say the same about my Nano.
Like many thousands of Nano owners, I’m deeply disappointed at how freakin’ fragile and scratch-prone it is. I’m afraid of putting it in my pocket because it scratches so easily. It can bend in half in a pocket because it’s so fragile. I have to treat it very delicately and it’s a daily hassle. Combine this with how crappy iTunes is, and Apple is very close to losing a customer.
iTunes disabled my CD-ROM burner and still doesn’t work properly. I spent an entire evening trying to undo the evil that iTunes unleashed on my XP system. Plus, it’s operation is completely inconsistent, mysterious, illogical and unreliable. It’s truly a hateful application – but what choice do I have?
For years I’ve used Microsoft products with this rationale: “They’re not the best products, but they’re the industry standard and the most popular, so even if I don’t really like them, I will use/support them.” And, many “Apple People” have used the same rationale, inverted, to shun Microsoft and justify their use the Mac. Their rationale being “I’m willing to pay more because the Mac is better, so I’m willing to put up with the inconvenience and incompatibility.”
Ironically, Apple has become the new Microsoft in my life. I think the iPod is far less than it should be, but it is the industry standard, and the most popular, so… so far, I use it – but I DON’T like it!
It is truly an ironic turn.
I’m seriously thinking about selling the Nano, washing my hands of the whole Apple fiasco, and switching to the Creative Labs ZEN VISION:M – have you seen this thing? It’s SWEET!

My Honda Insight is 3 ½ years old, and has 70,000 miles. It still gets an average of 54 MPG and it’s running great. My new mileage record is 89.3 MPG for a 65 mile trip I took specifically to see how high I could get my gas mileage (Yes, I drove about 50 MPH the whole trip). See the attached proof!
As a rule I’m not very politically savvy or active. However, this year has been a wake-up call on the political health of the US of A. I’ve become much more active in my political activity. In short, I think our country is headed in the wrong direction guided by a corrupt and dangerous leadership.
2005 marked me joining the fight to restore rational and tolerant leadership to the US, and 2006 will see even more activity from me.
What Does 2006 Hold for Sam
Who knows? I can’t predict the future! And I’m smart enough not to try. I can, however, express my desires. And those desires are:
- To work on my two book projects.
- To do a lot more photography.
- To create more art projects.
- Learn to better accept what is, and to love unconditionally.
- Work to protect animals and the environment.
- To develop an even better connection to HP.
- Pray and Meditate more often.
And I sincerely wish you all great serenity and peace in 2006 and beyond!