Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bad BMW drivers -- Discussion

BMW is not "The Ultimate Driving Machine" -- it's actually "The Ulimate BAD-Driving Machine".

As you may know from my previous posts, I think BMW drivers are the worst drivers on the road -- at least they are in the area where I live. I was curious if there were any facts to back up this observation, so I posted a "Google Answers" question to find out. Although none of the Google Answers experts bothered to answer my question, many people have commented about that question. Here is the original question and several comments.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Environmentally-tested, Aurora-approved.

Click on the image for a larger view

Aurora loves to ride in my Honda Insight!

A Million Little Lies

The impressive The Smoking Gun article.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Play and Play More!

These two clever shorts are from one of my favorite animators, a guy who goes by "Dustball":

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ghost Howl

In this short video, Radley, the border terrier produces a spooky "ghost howl" when he plays with his squeaky toy. Yes, he's the one producing that sound.

This is cute and all, but I'm not sure I'd like to hear howl in the middle of the night. It's a bit unsettling.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Rrrr... Rrrrr...Wooooo...CHOMP!

Watch the video.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

How to Parallel Park

This video teaches the fastest and simplest technique for sure-fire parallel parking.

How to Date your Family

In this 10 minute MST3K short, Joel and the robots give you helpful tips on how to pull off a perfect date with your own family. Eeew.

This short made me laugh out-loud several times! Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Trip down Memory Lane

I was born in 1961 in Los Angeles. There are lots of things I grew up with that no longer exist. Do any of these things ring a bell?
  • Helms Bakery
  • Alpha Beta Supermarkets
  • Bell Potato Chips
  • Blue Chip Stamps
  • Builder's Emporium
  • Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor
  • F.W. Woolworth & Co.
  • Fedco
  • Home Savings
  • Japanese Village
  • Dusty's Treehouse
  • Sheriff John
  • Marineland of the Pacific
  • Market Basket
  • Ontario Motor Speedway
  • People Express Airlines
  • Pillsbury Space Food Sticks
  • Pup 'n' Taco
  • Zodys Department Store
  • White Front stores
This wonderful website explores many of these things. Enjoy!

Video of a 312 mph Train Ride

This video shows what it is like to ride inside Japan's Superconducting Maglev "Linear Motor Car" Train at 312 miles per hour at JR Railway Technical Research Institute's Yamanashi Maglev Test Line. Also included are scenes showing what it's like when that train screams past you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ironic, ain't it?

I shot this with my cell-phone camera in Old Town Pasadena.

Hands Off!

Keep Your Hands Off! These ass-gaskets are MINE... ALONE!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Crash Different

This video is a bit old, but still quite funny.

CLOPS -- Clamation Cops

This is a very funny claymation animation!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mars Rover Finds Salt

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit accidentally dug up a very colorful white and yellow powder on the Mars surface. It turns out that the material has a salty chemistry dominated by iron-bearing sulfates. This indicates the former presence of water. Read more here.

A Green Ford?

Bill Ford believes a green revolution can fix his family's troubled company. Could Ford Motor Company come back? Could Ford become a model for Green automobile manufacturers?

"...he will gamble that saving the planet from the car industry is the biggest long-term priority of all, so he will pour billions of dollars into eco-friendly factories and cars. Most notably, the company will dramatically increase production of its hybrid gas-electric models, promising to produce 250,000 a year by 2010, a tenfold increase from last year's output. "

Full article.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


In this sweet and delightful animation a young boy tells us all about his dog Skippy.

This animation is the work of the very talented Amanda Spalinski. Thank you Amanda!

Be Afraid of the Gate!

When passing through the gate, dance, dance, dance!

Warning! This gate may drop a big pile of books on any children riding tricycles.

Okay, okay. Yes, you're really strong. Now please, put the gate down.

Warning! If you're a really big giant, this gate may poke you in the stomach.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Vatican gives nod to Darwin, not Design

VATICAN CITY, Vatican City (UPI) -- The official Vatican newspaper has published an article praising as 'correct' a recent U.S. court decision that intelligent design is not science.

Full article.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sky Stripes

Click for larger image

Eleven evenly spaced clouds created a stripped Burbank sky today.
This image was captured with my camera phone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Do you have feelings of inadequacy?

Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Tequila®.

Tequila® is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Tequila® can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of Tequila® almost immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses, you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past, and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Tequila®.

Tequila® may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Tequila®. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister.

Tequila®: Leave Shyness Behind!

Tom Cruise Kills Oprah!

See the video!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Quantum Physics in a Cup

There is a fluid that has the following properties:
  • If you draw up a cup of the fluid out of a basin, it will creep up the sides of the cup and "pour itself back" into the basin.

  • If you put it in a glass bottle and rotate the bottle continuously, the fluid will never spin around inside the bottle.

  • It is impossible to heat or cool one part of the fluid to a temperature different than any other part of the fluid.
These are the amazing quantum properties of "Superfluids", such as supercooled helium-4. These fluids have zero viscosity, zero entropy, and infinite thermal conductivity. Amazing!

Read more about it in the Wikipedia article.

Monday, January 16, 2006


This video has some funny reactions to people being suprised with an airhorn. It's not very kind, but it is quite funny.

Martin Luther King Jr.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."

"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative."

"Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cure For Cancer 'Around Here Somewhere'

BALTIMORE—Forgetful professor Humbert Huggins said the cure is 100 percent effective, and probably in one of his blue binders above the television.

Full article here.


Saturday, January 14, 2006


The video is here.

Save us Captain Condom!

Many Japanese items with utterly defective and/or amusing English words and phrases can be found at www.engrish.com, including Captain Condom himself! Other favorites of mine are:


Borrowed from The English Atheist. Please don't sue me.

This article about people who choose a child-free lifestyle is fascinating for several reasons. Most interesting to me are the 311 comments (a this moment in time there are 311 comments). These comments are filled with fascinating ideas, anger, defensiveness, and even venom.

Many people with kids seem very threatened by those without kids. Many child-free people (like me) feel somewhat defensive. Some people are very understanding and tolerant of both viewpoints.

However, most facinating of all, buried in amongst the 311 comments was this post:
Dominionism again
Posted by: Monde on Jan 11, 2006 3:28 PM

The answer to the question I've pondered since around age 12 - why aren't fundies content to live their familycentric Christian lives and not feel they have to change the way others live, right down to their most intimate choices regarding prevention of conception, has finally come, courtesy of the fabulous site, Theocracy Watch. Dominionism is a doctrine/dogma espoused by various Christian denominations, particularly the more radical Baptists and Pentecostals, which revolves around the notion that the Second Coming will not occur until the world is being governed by Biblical law and not secular law. In other words, in their eyes, our lifestyles, which affect the tides of public policy, are going to cause them to miss out on their Rapture.

It all makes sense to me now, and also terrifies me. I believe in a dynamic relationship with God as opposed to a static, rigid and unchanging one. In my eyes, the message changes with time. "Be fruitful, multiply" worked in Jesus Christ's time. In 2006, "Be frugal, waste not the gift of Life" is the message God - or whatever singularity and plurality exist as the highest power of the metaverse - has transmitted to me. I think perhaps I am not alone here. It might even be hardwired into our genes: the widespread acceptance of homosexuality in just about every community other than the Dominionists seems to speak to this idea. When resources are thin and the population is thick, don't make more population. I cannot grasp how this could possibly be construed as selfish, or failing to contribute to society. Sometimes a contribution takes the form of NOT contributing to a problem, but instead a solution.
The answer to the question I've pondered since around age 12 - why aren't fundies content to live their familycentric Christian lives and not feel they have to change the way others live, right down to their most intimate choices regarding prevention of conception, has finally come, courtesy of the fabulous site, Theocracy Watch. Dominionism is a doctrine/dogma espoused by various Christian denominations, particularly the more radical Baptists and Pentecostals, which revolves around the notion that the Second Coming will not occur until the world is being governed by Biblical law and not secular law. In other words, in their eyes, our lifestyles, which affect the tides of public policy, are going to cause them to miss out on their Rapture.

It all makes sense to me now, and also terrifies me. I believe in a dynamic relationship with God as opposed to a static, rigid and unchanging one. In my eyes, the message changes with time. "Be fruitful, multiply" worked in Jesus Christ's time. In 2006, "Be frugal, waste not the gift of Life" is the message God - or whatever singularity and plurality exist as the highest power of the metaverse - has transmitted to me. I think perhaps I am not alone here. It might even be hardwired into our genes: the widespread acceptance of homosexuality in just about every community other than the Dominionists seems to speak to this idea. When resources are thin and the population is thick, don't make more population. I cannot grasp how this could possibly be construed as selfish, or failing to contribute to society. Sometimes a contribution takes the form of NOT contributing to a problem, but instead a solution.

Wow! WOW!

This explains so much! If the fundies really believe that they won't get their precious "rapture" until the entire globe is ruled by Biblical law, that means that they'll do ANYTHING to make sure it happens. This means the'll feel justified:
  • Destroying all Muslims
  • Waging war over and over until the US controls the Middle East
  • Making it illegal to teach evolution
  • Stealing elections
  • Elmimating American's civil rights
  • Stripping TV, radio, books and magazines of "obscenities"
  • Making abortion illegal
  • Turning the US into a theocracy
The just won't be content to live their own lives as they choose -- they believe that minding OUR business is their only ticket to heaven!

The ramifications of this are tremendous! More on this later.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Fainting Goats! (honest!)

Fainting Goats video.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Taking the Hate out of Church

I’m constantly amazed that people can hate and kill in the name of a loving God. I think this trend is very sad, destructive, and could actually lead to serious damage to the planet and the human race.

There’s a very powerful, vocal, active, and in my opinion dangerous group of religious people in the US who call themselves “Christians” who are trying, and in some ways succeeding, in taking over our government and our country.

The people I’m talking about are also called “Christian Fundamentalists”, “Extreme Right Wing Christians”, “Fundies”, or, as I like to call them “Christian Fascists”. Now, if the definition of a “Christian” is someone who emulates Jesus Christ in their thoughts and deeds, then these people clearly aren’t Christians – they just call themselves that.

As I’ve said in previous posts even though I admire and attempt to emulate the teachings and ways of Jesus, I would never call myself a Christian because of the terrible taint the Christian Fascists have had on the very term “Christian”. So, that got me thinking, are there any religions out there that are actually rational? Tolerant? Dare I ask… loving?

Well, there’s good news brothers and sisters – the answer is YES!

First lets talk about The Unitarian Universalist Church. This church began in the 1770’s and their credo features phrases like “It is our covenant to affirm and promote the inherent dignity and worth of every person; Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. WOW!

The Unitarians have over 1,000 churches in the US and they sound like pretty terrific people.

Next is The Church of Reality. This is a real on-line church that has actually gotten its 501(c)3 tax exempt not for profit organization status from the IRS. The Church of Reality is an “open source” religion without any actual buildings, and here is some of what they say about their church:

“Realists are not without values or morality. Our values are based on Humanism rather than a holy fictional book. As Realists, our values include Positive Evolution, Exploration, Honesty and Integrity, Freedom, Individualism, Peace, Courage, Environmentalism, Compassion, Justice, Inclusiveness, Scrutiny and Doubt, Humility, Reason, Wisdom, and Personal Responsibility. We believe in Original Virtue rather than Original Sin. We are a Doubt-Based rather than Faith-Based religion. These Sacred Principles form the basis for our Church Doctrine and are logically consistent with our missions.

The Church of Reality is an evolving religion. We are not tied to a fixed doctrine that was written in the past and is slowly becoming obsolete. If we get it wrong, we fix our mistakes. We are an Open Source Religion and everyone is welcome to participate in the development and improvement of our religion. We live on a vast wondrous universe that we are just beginning to explore. Why would someone want to waste their entire existence on a fictional world view when there's all this wonderful reality to investigate and understand?”

I personally don’t think that being a member of a church is necessary for enlightenment, but the more I think about it the more I think it’s a good idea to strengthen and popularize good churches perhaps in the hopes of weakening intolerant churches filled with hate.

I'm Taking My Country Back!

This is a catchy Country/Western song that I found on 1010 KXXT-AM Air America Phoenix. It expresses the way most Americans feel about the current government.

Actual Cause of the Twin Towers Disaster?

Loose Change 9-11 Alex Jones Conspiracy

This amazing 1 hour video makes a very compelling case that the Twin Towers were actually destroyed by the US government. It's very entertaining, well researched, and very much worth watching. As always, judge for yourself.

Jello Jiggles

Watch amazing super slow-motion video of a jello cube dropping on a table.

Evidence that "Cartoon Physics" are Real!

Watch super slow-motion video of a water balloon poped with a pin.
It's remarkable scientific evidence that "Cartoon Physics" are actually real!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Worthless Spanish Made Easy! -- Lesson 1

Try these handy phrases when walking the streets of any Latin American city:
  1. ¡Oficial de policía! Arrésteme por favor y póngame en la cárcel. Soy un criminal peligroso y debo ser castigado. Mi familia es muy rica y pagará cualquier ransom.

    Police officer! Please arrest me and put me in jail. I am a dangerous criminal and must be punished. My family is very wealthy and will probably pay any ransom you might demand.

  2. ¿Usted sabe dónde puedo comprar a una mujer joven en esta ciudad?

    Do you know where I can buy a young woman in this town?

  3. Usted es muy feo y mas estúpido que un burro. ¡A un lado!

    You are very ugly and as dumb as an donkey. Get out of my way!

  4. ¡Madre de dios! ¡Ustedes realmente son pobres!

    Holy Mother of God! You people really are poor!

  5. ¡Tengo 500 dólares en mi zapato y usted es demasiado estúpido a tomar acción!

    I have 500 dollars in my left shoe and you’re too stupid to do anything about it!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Separation of Church and State

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

We're Sick And Tired Of Raising Your Young

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

An Old Picture of Me

Click to enlarge

Monday, January 02, 2006

SUV Stroller

Click for larger picture.

I've gotten several requests for this one. Enjoy!

Sweet, Sweet Irony

In this video you get to watch a BMW driver run over himself. Honest!

Antigravity Dog

This video really made me laugh!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Drunk? Stupid? Not his truck?

If you haven't already seen this gem, watch this video. When this guy decided to try this stunt, how could he imagine that it would have turned out any other way?